Residential Electrical Services to Enhance Any Home
At Vetter’s Electric, our years of experience in home remodeling, home design, and new home builds has given us a unique skillset: we understand houses.
We know what your space will need in the future. We’ve learned which methods and products work (and which don’t), and we can help you get what you want today while also helping to prevent mistakes that might turn out to be costly down the road.
When you buy a car, you talk to a mechanic first. We offer that same expertise and understanding – but for your home and the electrical challenges you might face when upgrading or changing it.
Your home is your castle, and a good castle is never done. Whether you’re simply changing a light fixture or remodeling your whole house, Vetter’s can help you get the house of your dreams – down to the smallest detail.
We wire with the future in mind!

Customized Electrical Services for Your Home
Vetter’s Electric offers comprehensive electrical service for your home. Here are just a few things that we can help with:
Do I Really Need an Electrician? Troubleshooting Tips for Common Electrical Issues
At Vetter’s Electric, we want to empower our customers. Here are some of the common problems that you may incur and can easily solve on your own. Hope it helps! We update this page regularly, so please feel free to check here often! NOTE: When in doubt, give us, the professionals, a call! This information is purely for your convenience and does not constitute professional electrical advice from Vetter’s Electric. The advice and suggestions contained on this website are general in nature and may not apply to your particular problem or circumstance. Due to the extremely volatile nature of electricity, you should contact Vetter’s Electric directly if the suggestions contained in this website do not address your issue. Vetter’s Electric disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use of the website to address any and all electrical problems experienced by viewers of this website.
My outlets aren’t working.
My outlets aren’t working.
Check all GFCI’s in the house or area where your outlets are not working. (These are the outlets with the Test/Reset buttons on them.) Press the test and then the reset button.
(Areas to look for GFCI’s would be in the kitchen, bathroom, utility room, garage, exterior outlets, next to any sink, and in your basement).
One of my light fixtures isn’t working.
One of my light fixtures isn’t working.
Replace the lamp in the fixture that is not working, make sure it is screwed in all the way and that it is not screwed in awkwardly.
If your light bulbs frequently burn out, they may not be the right wattage for the fixture. Check the fixture or the socket for the correct wattage. Do not exceed this wattage recommendation.
CAUTION: THIS ONE IS A LITTLE MORE RISKY! Sometimes the tab on the inside of the socket will get pushed in so that it cannot make contact with the lightbulb (this happens for table lamps too). Turn off the breaker to the fixture (or if it is a lamp make sure it’s unplugged), then grab a small screwdriver and bend the center tab inside the socket out. This should allow the tab to make contact with the lightbulb.
On a 3-way switched location (meaning you can turn one light on in two different locations, like at the top of the stairs or bottom of the stairs for the stair light), make sure both switches are all the way up or all the way down, not in the center location. If one of these switches gets stuck in the center position, the lights will not work.
Always replace fluorescent bulbs first. A bad ballast will deteriorate the lamps at a faster rate than a good ballast!
Neither my lights nor my outlets are working.
Neither my lights nor my outlets are working.
Check the electrical panel to make sure breakers are in the “ON” position. Your electrical panel should be labeled for the area that is not working. Verify that this breaker is on. If it’s not, flip the switch to the “ON” position.
My thermostat isn’t working.
My thermostat isn’t working.
Some newer model thermostats have batteries in them. Try replacing the batteries.
There is an ON/OFF switch on your furnace itself; make sure this is turned to ON.